PINOY ETCHETERA TALK: A Call For Responsible Blogging. Yes, I would like to believe that each one of us, every individual is a blogger in our own right. We are all bloggers because we are unique individuals who are entitled to our own distinct opinions and points of views. We have this potential blogger persona within ourselves, this eagerness to step forward without hesitation to give our own personal viewpoint on the things that matter to us.

We Are All Bloggers
Yes, I would like to believe that each one of us, every individual is a blogger in our own right. We are all bloggers because we are unique individuals who are entitled to our own distinct opinions and points of views. We have this potential blogger persona within ourselves, this eagerness to step forward without hesitation to give our own personal viewpoint on the things that matter to us. I also believe in the power of choice, that everything in our lives is but the reflection of the choices that we made. One can deliberately choose to stand out among others and let his voice to be heard, while the others chose to remain silent. This is about making a difference, about making choices and this desire to be heard is what makes one blogger stand out in the crowd.
Everyday is an opportunity for us to make important decisions in life. There might be circumstances that are bound by gender, religion and culture, situations we encounter that we thought has not given us much of a choice, but in fact we do. You chose to do what you do and you choose to continue using a principle or way of life if it serves you good and makes sense to your world, you'll continue to embrace it.
A person can decide to own a positive outlook amidst all the negativity that surrounds him, one can choose to be happy even if his rather traumatic experiences tells him not to. We can either choose to be good or bad to someone, to be a bully or refuse to be the victim. In this generation where social media has risen as an option for individuals to build influence and popularity, we must be extra cautious with all these choices that we make. For the actions and the decisions that reflects our own opinions and views which is not forced on us will only affect us in the long run. Nobody else is responsible for our own doings but ourselves.
We Are What We Write.
As I have mentioned earlier, we are all bloggers. We have our own story to tell and this dawning age of social media has brought forth platforms for sharing our thoughts, photos, videos, our personal relationships, statements and all other possibilities. Social media has become an important tool that has created a way to connect disparate people that are brought together by the challenges and issues that matter to them. The beauty of social media is that you can instantaneously come into contact with like-minded people to learn, discuss and share your own knowledge. It certainly has created awareness, to come up with solutions to social problems and innovate the way people live.
In this fast changing world in terms of technology and communication, some individuals choose to step up and create their own blog. A personal channel where you share your identity, sentiments and experiences. Think of it as a journal, a diary, or even a book that is made available to the public. You share personal realizations and points of view or even educate others on the important things that affects or influence your life.
As a blogger, what you publish is up to you. You decide on what to write and share, you choose the kind of information you want the public to know. Blogging has been a vehicle for people to express their passion, it is a great way to get feedback from others. In which people can leave comments and give you advice this has given an almost on the spot connection to other individuals whichever part of the world they maybe. We are in a world full of interactions, and in the world of social media people in just one click can like or dislike, support or contradict, but more importantly exercise their freedom of expression by being vocal in their opinion or state of mind.
Words are powerful, and I think we already know and agree to that. Being a blogger, you are entitled to use your own words to voice out your ideas, thoughts, and feelings. You are placed in advantage and gives you the opportunity to reach out and connect with individuals who might have the same disposition. You could be the character they have found to represent everyone else with regards to their advocacy or just simply an individual they can relate with. Your words can make someone feel better but the exact same words can also cause harm to others. Your story can carry information that can create or break another person's perception and belief. Your words can become the knowledge that may lead some individuals to open up their consciousness, critical thinking or hate. Reactions are unpredictable, we are only certain that words can result to reactions.
Should There Be A Call For Responsible Blogging?
Given this question, it would be a no-brainer and one may even be quick enough to answer "Yes" simply because the word "responsible" or "responsibility" is a good word or denotes something positive. But a blogger's responsibility might be a vague topic to discuss. For unlike journalism where there is an established codes of ethics to be followed in news writing, blogging is not governed by any authority that may serve as a watchdog to restrain them from their own manner or style of writing. While a journalist is expected to take a greater responsibility on the accuracy and honesty of their work, and that they should be cautious about being biased and in distorting the facts, blogging on the other hand requires passion and straightforward opinion. A blogger may not always resort to play safe in commenting on a certain issue, because staying in the middle may not give that much of an impact and statement.
In my own opinion, bloggers should in any case be able to write unbridled and unrestricted or else the very essence of this culture where personal freedom of expression in its purest form may die. But then having this much freedom and with no central authority to consider, responsible blogging is self imposed. It is something that you require or expect of yourself, rather than something required by another. And as for me, self-regulation is far more exemplary than any code of ethics that any journalist may follow. It is simply because you as an individual have chosen to use your freedom wisely, acquiring the ability to monitor and control your own behavior, emotions, or thoughts, and perhaps altering them to protect your own personal interest and values. More importantly, your accountability will naturally gain the respect of other people. Basic principles such as complying with the Copyright Law and validation of facts come may come in handy in becoming a responsible blogger, but for me a more responsible blogger is someone who can admit when he is wrong and be humble about his mistakes.
Are We What We Read?
As a blogger you don’t apologize for your mere presence, for stating your opinion, or for disagreeing. You are just like any other individual entitled to your own opinion with your own preferences. It is not solely a blogger's fault to influence a person for as I have mentioned earlier, each one of us are individuals who in the right mind are bestowed with the freedom to choose. It is your decision if you want to get influenced by what you read. What we read are not necessarily what we are or what we have already become.
More than to influence, it is a blogger's role to lead people to become more responsible on how they think and act. No other person should be held responsible for your own personal choice. We are the only one responsible for our own selves for each one has his own free will to choose on what to believe, what to ignore and what to fight for. People who read blogs have the opportunity to scrutinize, to looking at it critically, investigating every nook and cranny. As an effect, it leads people to become more intelligent individuals by examining very carefully such information in order to discover their own personal truths. And this is a good thing, for responsibility works in both ways.
In the end, I am just an individual like anyone else writing his own opinion regarding this topic. My words may or may not be notable or significant to others, but I still chose to share my thoughts. Because what matters most to me is that I took this courage and used my freedom, and be brave enough to face my own personal fears rather than seek the approval of others. I chose to make a difference, I chose to make a change. I am Pinoy Etchetera, I am but a small voice. But you chose to listen and you also have the right to be heard.