Following the official endorsement of the president for Interior Secretary Mar Roxas to run for president next year, Vice president Jejomar Binay’s spokesman said he should accept defeat in the 2010 veep race and drop the electoral protest he filed.
Following the official endorsement of the president for Interior Secretary Mar Roxas to run for president next year, Vice president Jejomar Binay’s spokesman said he should accept defeat in the 2010 veep race and drop the electoral protest he filed.
According to Joey Salgado, Roxas should focus on the 2016 and move on.
“Maybe it’s time for Secretary Roxas to move on since he will surely run in 2016. He should now drop his election protest, admit defeat and focus instead on 2016,” he said.
Salgado also alleged Roxas for the electoral protest to have been insisting that taxpayers should pay for the cost of the forensic test.
“It has been more than five years since the Roxas camp filed its election protest. Yet until now they have not paid the required filing fee and have been insisting that taxpayers pay for the cost of the forensic test,” Salgado said.
Sandra Coronel, Binay’s counsel, has already asked the Presidential Electoral Tribunal (PET) to junk the protest for lack of merit and for being invalid.
She added that the protest remains unresolved and is still at a pre-trial stage.
Roxas alleged in his protest filed in July 2010 that elections results used for Binay’s proclamation did not reflect the actual votes.
He referred it as an “anomalously high incidence” of null and misread votes int eh certificates of canvass in all precincts nationwide especially in his bailiwicks Region 6, 7 and Caraga.